
Research with Impact

2024 Graduate Student
Research Conference

The Athabasca University Graduate Students’ Association (AUGSA) and the Faculty of Graduate Studies (FGS) at Athabasca University (AU) invite graduate students and 2023-2024 alumni to submit abstracts and posters for the 2024 Graduate Student Research Conference (GSRC), which will take place in-person in Edmonton, Alberta on October 25th, 26th, and 27th.

The GSRC is a multi-disciplinary academic research forum that brings together graduate students and alumni, staff, and faculty from all disciplines at AU. In addition to facilitating research links between graduate students and alumni, the GSRC offers the opportunity to showcase student research, and to develop and gain research presentation experience in a supportive peer environment. It is the ideal setting for thesis students to test themselves and prepare for their public thesis defense and high-profile national and international research conferences.

This year’s conference theme, “Research with Impact”, calls for research that not only advances knowledge in academia, but also transforms the world into a better place to live. It challenges graduate students to conduct groundbreaking research and communicate their solutions through various channels and modalities, while engaging and mobilizing all relevant stakeholders to contribute towards achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

Conference speakers and sessions will focus on the concept of “expanding your research toolkit.” Impactful research can always be expanded upon. No matter what stage or field a researcher is in, anyone can expand their toolkit in different ways— whether it be through mobilization, dissemination, multimedia, funding, or consultation.

This year’s hybrid conference theme, “Research with Impact” seeks to provide ways to enable researchers and presenters to expand their research toolkit beyond what they thought possible.

True to tradition, submissions from all disciplines are encouraged and accepted, whether the research is completed or in progress. New graduate students who have not started their own research are also encouraged to attend to gain experience.

How to Submit

We are accepting submissions for both paper and poster presentations, in-person and online.

Paper Presentations
Abstract Submisson Instructions

Please follow the usual conventions of your discipline.  For example, some disciplines generally require abstracts to be organized with headings, whereas other disciplines do not. If you are uncertain of the norms within your discipline, ask one of your supervisors or inquire with the conference organizers prior to submitting your abstract.

Follow the instructions below when filling out the Abstract Submission Form. Make sure to include your presentation format and presentation content in your abstract submission.

Tips on writing a well-structured abstract can be found here.

Instructions for completing the abstract submission form:

General Information Section

Submission Type:

  • Specify your submission type (In-person Paper)
  • Paper presentations will be a maximum of 20 minutes (15 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for Q&A)

Autor(s) section


Biographies should be written in third-person narrative. Keep it brief, yet relative and informative. Biographies need to be added for each author (maximum 75 words each).

Sample Biography

Jennifer Graduate is in her final year in the Master of Health Disciplines program. She is a health advisor for the Government of Tahiti. Her area of research is health services use and the older adult. Her previous position was teaching massage therapy at a community college. The flexibility of online education has enabled her to continue working, spend time with her family, and study from a remote location. (69 words)

Content section

Specify within your abstract which of the following presentation formats are applicable :

  • Literature Review or Term Paper abstracts must address the following details: 
    1. Title 
    2. Rationale/Background
    3. Purpose
    4. Type of Literature Review 
    5. Results 
    6. Implications  
  • Primary Research abstracts must include the following details:  
    1. Title 
    2. Rationale/Background 
    3. Research Questions 
    4. Methodology 
    5. Results/Findings 
    6. Implications 

Please indicate if the research is in progress. 

  • Video/media project abstracts must include the following details:  
    1. Title 
    2. Rationale/Background 
    3. Target audience 
    4. Length of presentation 
    5. Additional Audio/visual requirements (if any) 

Please indicate if the project is in progress.  

  • Program and project initiative abstracts must include the following details:  
    1. Title 
    2. Rationale/Background 
    3. Purpose 
    4. Method of implementation 
    5. Results 
    6. Implications 

Please indicate if the project is in progress.

If none of the above are applicable, please provide additional details, such as a 3MT presentation

The abstract must be a maximum of 250 words

For more information, refer to these tips on writing a well-structured abstract

Poster Presentations

Each poster will be available for viewing throughout the conference with a set time dedicated during the conference for speaking with the student presenter at their poster.

Abstract Submission Instructions

Please follow the usual conventions of your discipline.  For example, some disciplines generally require abstracts to be organized with headings, whereas other disciplines do not. If you are uncertain of the norms within your discipline, ask one of your supervisors or inquire with the conference organizers prior to submitting your abstract.

Follow the instructions below when filling out the Abstract Submission Form. Make sure to include your presentation format and presentation content in your abstract submission.

Tips on writing a well-structured abstract can be found here.

Instructions for completing the abstract submission form:

General Information Section

Submission Type:

We are accepting submissions for both online paper and online poster presentations.

  • Specify your submission type (In-person Paper or In-person Poster)
  • Poster presentations will be 5 minutes followed by a Q&A session
  • Poster presentations should fit onto one poster board

Autor(s) section


Biographies should be written in third-person narrative. Keep it brief, yet relative and informative. Biographies need to be added for each author (maximum 75 words each).

Sample Biography

Jennifer Graduate is in her final year in the Master of Health Disciplines program. She is a health advisor for the Government of Tahiti. Her area of research is health services use and the older adult. Her previous position was teaching massage therapy at a community college. The flexibility of online education has enabled her to continue working, spend time with her family, and study from a remote location. (69 words)

Content section

Specify within your abstract which of the following presentation formats are applicable :

  • Literature Review or Term Paper abstracts must address the following details: 
    1. Title 
    2. Rationale/Background
    3. Purpose
    4. Type of Literature Review 
    5. Results 
    6. Implications  
  • Primary Research abstracts must include the following details:  
    1. Title 
    2. Rationale/Background 
    3. Research Questions 
    4. Methodology 
    5. Results/Findings 
    6. Implications 

Please indicate if the research is in progress. 

  • Video/media project abstracts must include the following details:  
    1. Title 
    2. Rationale/Background 
    3. Target audience 
    4. Length of presentation 
    5. Additional Audio/visual requirements (if any) 

Please indicate if the project is in progress.  

  • Program and project initiative abstracts must include the following details:  
    1. Title 
    2. Rationale/Background 
    3. Purpose 
    4. Method of implementation 
    5. Results 
    6. Implications 

Please indicate if the project is in progress.

If none of the above are applicable, please provide additional details, such as a 3MT presentation

The abstract must be a maximum of 250 words

For more information, refer to these tips on writing a well-structured abstract.

Posters for Day-Of

While posters are not required at the abstracts submission stage, for the day-of the conference, posters will be displayed on boards and should be 24" x 36" in size. Poster stands are provided. 

Formats for your
Abstract Submission

Please follow the usual conventions of your discipline. For example, some disciplines generally require abstracts to be organized with headings, whereas other disciplines do not. If you are uncertain of the norms within your discipline, ask one of your supervisors or inquire with the conference organizers prior to submitting your abstract. Select one of the formats depending upon the type of project you are describing in your abstract. 

Our Formats

Registration is now open!

Literature Review or Term Paper abstracts must address the following details
  1. Title
  2. Rationale/Background
  3. Purpose
  4. Type of Literature Review
  5. Results
  6. Implications 
Primary Research abstracts must include the following details
  1. Title
  2. Rationale/Background
  3. Research Questions
  4. Methodology
  5. Results/Findings
  6. Implications

Please indicate if the research is in progress.

Video/media project abstracts must include the following details
  1. Title
  2. Rationale/Background
  3. Target audience
  4. Length of presentation
  5. Additional Audio/visual requirements (if any)

Please indicate if the project is in progress. 

Program and project initiative abstracts must include the following details
  1. Title
  2. Rationale/Background
  3. Purpose
  4. Method of implementation
  5. Results
  6. Implications

Please indicate if the project is in progress.

  • All abstracts will be peer reviewed by a committee and submitters will be notified.
  • You may be asked to revise your abstract. If so, you must complete the revisions before the abstract will be accepted.
  • Presenters must register for the 2024 conference by October 15. If you do not register by this date your abstract will not be included in the schedule.

Awards Given

Cash prizes will be awarded to the top three graduate abstracts submitted.

  • 1st Place: $500
  • 2nd Place: $250
  • 3rd Place: $150

All students planning to present are eligble for travel bursaries. See Information for Presenters to learn more. 

Register today for the 2024 GSRC!