
Preparatory Webinars

Preparatory Webinars

Be sure to take advantage of the prepartory webinars for the GSRC, taking place July 24th and October 3rd, 2024.

Register at the links below. 

  1. Writing an Abstract for a Conference 
  2. Presenting your Work at a Conference


A valuable student resource is the Athabasca University Write Site which offers services to support students with academic writing.

You can reach the Write Site team at or click below for more information.

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Check out the site for writing resources, connect with writing coaches, sign up for upcoming writing webinars or checkout some past conference workshops such as:

How to write an abstract for a conference

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Presenting your work at a conference

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The polishing phase - revising, editing, and proofreading.

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Students can also email the Athabasca University Write Site with questions about writing an abstract or developing their presentation. Presenters are also welcome to book an appointment with a writing coach.

Informative Research Videos 

Visit the Athabasca University Library YouTube channel for informative research videos
such as:

Introduction to Research Data Management

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FGS Series

Developing Your Research Pt. 1: Search Like a Pro

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Developing Your Research Pt. 2: An Intro to Literature Reviews

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Developing Your Research Pt. 3: Keeping Organized As You Search

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Developing Your Research Pt. 4: Citation Management with Zotero

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Register today for the 2024 GSRC!